“ I am so happy I found Dr. Kerr to help with getting pregnant. I never would have thought my extensive exercising was causing my absent periods. After 3 months my cycles were regulated and I became pregnant shortly after that.”
— Amanda W., CT
“I was told I could not get pregnant naturally. After 4 years of Advanced Reproductive Interventions and 5 failed IVF’s, I sought out alternative therapies. Dr. Kerr explained everything so well on what I needed to have a healthy conception and baby. I became pregnant NATURALLY in 9 months following Dr. Kerr’s protocol and acupuncture. ”
— Beth, Rocky Hill
“Thank you Dr. Kerr for the relief from my very painful periods. I never would have believed acupuncture could resolve this lifelong problem I was experiencing. ”
— Kelly, Wallingford CT
“When we were told the ONLY option available to us was IVF due to the poor sperm parameters, we began looking into other options. Although we ultimately used IVF, we did all we could to improve the over quality and number of sperm, bringing the count from 5 live sperm-YES 5, to 50,000!! Thank you Dr. Kerr.”
— A. Johnson
“Dr. Kerr opened my eyes to the importance of correcting my out of control autoimmune thyroid disease before pursuing IVF to improve the overall outcome of ART. I felt a miracle happened when I became pregnant without IVF after my thyroid antibodies were lowered with natural habit changes and supplements.”